
Nurturing the land, empowering communities, and growing a thriving future together

Susatainable Development

When modern day people learn to care for the environment they will have also learned how to care for themselves and others. It is time for the concerns for the planet to be widely known and that immediate actions be taken to rectify her illnesses.

In order to use land as a healing tool and a cultural asset for our community NGVP looks initially to ancient and indigenous wisdom that sought to live in harmony with the creation recognizing its abundant nature, seasonal cycles, and its divine nature. Sustainable practices and land stewardship requires that we build and live in ways that do not degrade or put unsustainable strain on the land.

Returning to the land...

“Rooted in renewal, we embrace a way of living that honors the rhythms of nature, fosters deep connection, and cultivates shared abundance for generations to come.”

Land Trust: Residential Living

Amongst the most significant community services that is being offered is the 25-acre community land trust. “A community land trust (CLT) is a nonprofit corporation that holds land on behalf of a place-based community, while serving as the long-term steward for affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces, and other community assets on behalf of a community.”


Land is critical to food security, it is a human right. Land is a core source of wealth and power in the U.S. society and the laws and statutes around land ownership are complex and expensive making it nearly impossible for citizens to own land for living and growing food. As an act of resistance and in an effort to ameliorate institutional obstacles that stand in the way of families and communities exercising a basic human right to grow food to feed themselves; 25 acres in a land trust to be stewarded by Nature’s Garden for Victory and Peace, a nonprofit organization.

The first community land trust is New Communities Inc. located in Albany, GA, which grew out of the southern civil rights movement, as a tool for establishing a new form of land tenure for black farmers and their families.

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